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Computer Security - What Exactly Is It?

Posted on July 24, 2022 by Grant Tafreshi
Even though the term'computer security' is used a lot, the content of a computer is actually vulnerable to only a few risks unless the computer is connected to others on a network.As the use of computer networks (especially the Internet) has increased dramatically during the last few decades, the term computer security is now used to describe issues referring to the networked use of computers and their resources...

Comparitive Study Of Types Of Wireless Networks

Posted on June 11, 2022 by Grant Tafreshi
Exists various kinds of wireless networks as well as the speed, distance of each sort of the wireless networks.NARROWBAND WIRELESS LANS:Narrowband Wireless LANS maintain the radio signal frequency thinner as well as an ability to pass the info over the narrower range.Although the distance using these LANS are reasonable but nevertheless rates available are not sufficient enough fot the corporate users...

The History of Computers

Posted on May 6, 2022 by Grant Tafreshi
While computers are now an important part of the lives of human beings, there was a time where computers didn't exist.Knowing the history of computers and how much progression has been made can help you understand exactly how complicated and innovative the creation of computers really is.Unlike most devices, the computer is one of the few inventions that doesn't have one specific inventor.Throughout the evolution of the computer, many people have added their creations to the list required to make a computer work...

Do You Need Computer Training?

Posted on April 6, 2022 by Grant Tafreshi
As computers evolve and new software becomes available men and women are finding it important to keep up on their computer skills.If you work in office environment by way of instance, you may have to deal with a situation where your employer buys a new bit of software in the hopes it will help his company become more effective.Because of this, you may be asked to learn how to use this new bit of software...

The History of Printer Ink Cartridges

Posted on March 17, 2022 by Grant Tafreshi
With the introduction of the inkjet printer and printer ink cartridge in 1984, the task of printing your documents and changing printer ink cartridges became more convenient, reliable and cleaner than the previous methods of changing ribbons or inserting a toner cartridge.Prior to 1984, the ink delivery systems weren't as dependable as they are now.The inkjet system replaced the old dot matrix method, which required changing a ribbon...